L7 Digital

Improving your online presence

Swansea Website Design

About L7

L7 Digital  based in Swansea South Wales, is here to help your business convert online users into eager customers. Lucas (pictured) has experienced and worked in a few areas of the IT industry, however specialises in Website Design, Social Media Management and Graphic Design…

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Website Design

Want a website for your business but don't know how?
L7 offers bespoke website builds or website re-designs at an affordable price.

Social Media Management

Need a Social Media presence, but don't have the extra time to do so?
L7 can do the work for you, and will provide you with real time results on how our efforts are benefiting you.

Graphic Design

Need help creating unique designs?
L7 can help you create designs for your business, anything from logo design to social media post templates.

Website Portfolio

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